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slova písně: The One

hudba: Jiří Vondráček

text: Hana Sorrosová

The one who truly cares
Would never lay you bare
And he can tell you all
The one who truly cares
What´s inside
your own heart
He may come closer
The one who truly knows
That all the world´s not yours
But you can tell him all
The one who truly knows
What´s inside
your own heart
He can come closer
You will get all you need
You will get all you want
You will get all you wish
with real love
You will go where you need
You will go where you want
You will do everything
with real love
The one who truly feels
Your pain and all your needs
The only one who feels
What´s dream and what is real
Is inside
your own heart
He can´t be closer.
The one who truly knows
That you´re not best of all
The only one who knows
That you and nothing more
Is inside
your own heart
He can´t be closer
You will get all you need
You will get all you want
You will get all you wish
with real love
You will go where you need
You will go where you want
You will do everything
for real love
You will get all you need
You will get all you want
You will get all you wish
with real love
You will go where you need
You will go where you want
You will get all you wish
with real love

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text písně Kde Tě mám

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text písně Poušť

text písně E.T.

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text písně JMMR (verze 2010)

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text písně Láska umí víc

text písně Ja to nejsem (Zlej sen)

text písně MARKYTÁNKA

text písně Den D

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